Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blogspot Taking Over

Seeing as the social network of myspace no longer has any foot traffic, this website is becoming our means of getting in contact with you, that is if any of you still exist. Sorry for the extreme lag, but did you honestly expect anything different? As much as we hate to admit it, everyone of us knows this band doesn't have the most serious reputation.

As far as updates go, here is a short list of what to expect in the future (I would say near future, but that would only make our aspirations take even longer).

1. This will become our new myspace... Hopefully all shows/fliers/music/etc. will be handled through this website, as well as badmouth.blogspot.com

2. The albulm we promised you is still in the works. Six tracks are completed start to finish, and there are only five more we continue to work on. As soon as they are done, we will record and put out that release we have been talking about for the last year.

3. We have new merch. Some of which have been at our last shows, however they are not on badmouth.bigcartel.com yet. This is because we were hoping to release the albulm and merch together, but plans might change soon if the albulm is continually taking forever.

Thanks for taking time to read this, we appreciate it, especially with the amount of nothing we have been putting out. This albulm has been the bands main focus, and that has made shows and our progression inevitably slow down. Check back periodically, as updates are random.


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